Omakase Hydrangea Bouquet
Omakase Hydrangea Bouquet
Come with us on a whimsical floral journey. A radiant fusion of colour and texture that not only exudes charm, its petite petals bring joy and smiles all around. You decide the theme and select optional filler flowers, and we'll design a medium-sized bouquet that will be sure to impress. Whether you envision a lively burst of colours or a serene composition, we will bring your vision to life.
Make it unique with filler flowers in our three selections:
Splendid - A classic selection of filler flowers and leaves
Chic - A deluxe selection of filler flowers like eustomas or spray roses and leaves
Ritzy - A premium selection of imported filler flowers like freesia
Pictured is a Let the florist decide bouquet with Chic filler flowers.
Size: 30 -35cmW
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