Omakase Rose Bouquet
Omakase Rose Bouquet
Embark on a personalized floral journey. Choose your preferred theme, and we'll craft a medium-sized masterpiece, tailored to your theme. Each bouquet will feature 10 stalks of roses.
Make it extra unique with filler flowers in our three selections -
Splendid - A classic selection of filler flowers like baby's breath and limonium.
Chic - A deluxe selection of filler flowers like eustomas and spray roses.
Ritzy - A premium selection of filler flowers like freesias and tulips.
Pictured are bright and vibrant bouquets with chic fillers.
Experience the ultimate blend of simplicity and convenience, coupled with our expert curation, delivering a personalized bouquet that perfectly echoes your heartfelt sentiments.
Size: 30-40cm
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